Thursday, May 7, 2009


I've come to the realization that many of the things that Americans take for granted, that I myself take for granted (after having lived here for over 3 years), are not that "normal", or rather common, in other places. Since this blog has now visitors from Europe (mainly Spain), I'm going to start posting pictures about events/people that may seem common or normal for most US citizens, but which, for others not so used to them, still carry that distinctive American Flavor. After all, I'm a foreigner here and, as such, still have the capacity to be surprised by those exclusive "American things."

And let's start with something I shot last weekend in Athens, Alabama. A rodeo clinic conducted, among others, by ex-rodeo champion and bareback instructor David Fowler, from Rome, Georgia.


Anonymous said...

Nice pics, as always. And nice country, "the land of the free". So much encapsulated in such a short sentence.

Amanda, Jeremy and Lillian said...

Its good to hear from you! She is coming in early August. We can't the "American Girl" photos!

katie said...

love the first shot here...